Physical Oceanography Numerical Group

What We Do

People in the Physical Oceanography Numerical Group (PONG) work on problems in the coastal ocean and estuaries using numerical simulations. The primary tool we use for simulations is the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). We are also big proponents of perceptually uniform colormaps (cmocean).


June 2020

Veronica Ruiz Xomchuck successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations Veronica!

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May 2020

We have released a new package called xroms, which contains functions for commonly used scripts for working with ROMS outputs in xarray. Examples include opening netcdf and zarr files, creation of an xgcm grid object, and density calculation.

January 2020

Dylan Schlichting has joined PONG to start his PhD. Dylan was an REU student with PONG in 2018 and received his B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Maine in 2019.


June 2019

Lixin Qu successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Lixin!

October 2018

Rob Hetland and most PONG members attended the Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference in Galveston, TX. This year, Rob was chair of the conference and his PhD students Veronica and Lixin volunteered.

September 2018

Tianxiang Gao has joined PONG to start his PhD. Tianxian received his B.S. in oceanography from Ocean University of China in 2015 and his M.S. in physical oceanography in 2018.
